Riding is a fun and adventurous activity, but multiple dangers are also associated with it. If you love riding motorcycles then you should invest in some safety riding gear to ensure your protection while on two wheels.
The most important safety gear for riding includes the right helmets, jackets, riding pants, and good riding boots. Most people are just concerned about helmets and jackets, and won’t care about foot protection. Keep in mind that foot injuries are extremely common in motorcycle accidents and if you injured your foot it may result in immovability. To avoid these, it’s best to be prepared for them by wearing good Riding boots.
When it comes to buying a decent pair of riding boots, many bikers trust the O’Neal brand for anything from dirt biking to everyday urban riding.
O’Neal is an American company that was founded in 1970 to provide high-quality riding gear and ensure the safety of all motorcyclists.
Their Riding Boots are well-liked for their flexibility, appearance, reliability, modern features, and low price.
Due to their full-coverage protection, these boots are ideal for dual sports and adventure riders. While a shorter version of these boots is available for a lower price, we suggest purchasing the long version because it offers complete protection for your foot and shin.
O’Neal Rider Boots Features

The O’Neal riding boots have some high-end features that you’d only find in more costly boots. Let’s take a closer look at these characters.
Material and Construction
The Rider boots of the O’Neal brand are constructed from Microfiber with Reinforced TPU to provide extra impact protection.
It has Injection molded plastic protective plates on the shin, inner ankle, and outer foot area that provide excellent protection and performance.
Metal shank inserts provide extra support to the foot and double stitching throughout the boot makes O’Neal rider boots durable and long-lasting.
At the top of the boot, a reinforced shifter guard is present that works great to provide corrosion protection when you are shifting up or down on gears, so you don’t have to worry about any wear and tear due to your gear shifter.
A Metal toe guard is also present at the front end to protect your toe from impact, especially when you’re out there on the trails. Three screws in the boot secure this metal toe guard.
Additionally, a hard TPU panel around the inside of the boot and some extra depth TPU around the inner ankle provide great impact protection and make you feel safe while riding.
Safety level
O’Neal rider boots not only provide high impact protection for your feet and shin area but also prevents ankle twisting with a reinforced flex panel outside the boots.
The metal shank and accordion panels at the shin area and above the heel provide extra impact resistance. A metal toe guard is also there to protect your foot from the front along with a metal guard wraps around the sole to resist impact and delamination.
A boot must resist heat because it is exposed to the bike engine and exhaust constantly. For this, a synthetic leather heat shield is suede at the backside of the boot which also provides a better grip on your bike.
As these O’Neal Rider boots are designed for riding on dirt tracks and rough paths, the sole gives a good degree of support when you drive along muddy trails by keeping the mud and water out of the boots.
You can also wear your knee protectors with these boots for added safety.
Water-Resistance & Breathable Inner
Inside of the O’Neal rider boots, water-resistant Neoprene material is lined just above the third buckle that resists degradation and provides good impact absorption.
The moisture-wicking 3D Air Mesh fiber at the bottom of boots provides much airflow and dissipates the sweat faster. It will keep your foot cool and dry while riding in hot summers.
Although the boots are not completely waterproof, they are good enough to keep your feet dry when you are crossing a stream. It also resists mud and debris from entering the boots.
Even if water gets inside the boot it will evaporate in no time due to the 3D mesh interior fabric.
Comfort Level
These rider boots are extremely comfortable on and off the bike due to their Neoprene material and 3D airflow mesh interior.
The accordion panels at the shin area and above the heel provide flexibility to make walking in these shoes easy and comfortable.
Bending of foot and ankle is prevented by a generous heel support and flex panel on the outside of the boot. A thicker internal lining at the top of the boot protects against wear from knee braces and knee guards, and a cushioned insole provides extra comfort.
The soft Neoprene interior has insulating properties to provide a strong shield in a crash. Extra padding and 3D air mesh inside the boots keep your feet comfortable in hot weather and avoid exhaustion and suffocation.
Sizing & Fit
O’Neal rider boots come in a variety of sizes to fit any rider. They offer a wide toe box that provides some extra room to your foot for added comfort.
These boots take some time to adjust perfectly on your feet. Like most off-road boots, they’ll feel stiff at first, but with some break-in time, they’ll loosen up and become more flexible.
These sharp-looking boots are durable and sturdy with plenty of flex for walking and shifting. They even add an inch or two to your height and gives you a great appearance.
Riders with larger calves will be accommodated by the highly adjustable top calf opening.
Stability & Grip
O’Neal collaborated with Goodyear, a multinational tires and rubber manufacturing company, to create the stitched sole of Rider boots. These rubber soles provide a lot of grips and high-impact protection. They are tough and repellent to abrasion and rain. Also, they provide you with the right balance off the boke too.
Inside the sole, there is a metal shank that will reinforce the boot’s shape. It also decreases the risk of your foot bending in the wrong way.
If the sole of your O’Neal rider boots wears out, you can easily replace it.
The Moderate traction offered by these boots’ soles is great for dual sport riders who need a little extra grip on dusty, slippery trails when they need to get off the bike or simply walk around.
The heat shield made of synthetic leather on the backside of the boots also acts as an additional anti-slip surface. Your foot feels nice and snug in these boots.
Buckle System
O’Neal rider boots have 4 buckles with an easy to operate Snap-Lock adjustable closure system. This pin-style buckle system is durable and less likely to break.
The buckles are replaceable and fully adjustable and come with the right placement.
On the outer side, a part of the boot is elevated to eliminate the chances of buckle opening on accident.
Although these buckles are not metallic, they are made of hard plastic with a Single velcro closure at the top.
Furthermore, the base buckle has TPU deflectors to protect against damage on either side of the buckle.
O’Neal is one of the most affordable boot brands out there. There Rider Boots have plenty of amazing features to keep you protected and comfortable throughout the whole riding day.
The durable sole offers an excellent balance.
The toe box is designed to be suitable for wide feet.
The added protection is available with a metal guard which wraps around the sole.
All these and many more features, without any hefty price tag.
Specifications at a Glance:
What do we like most?
- Microfiber body with reinforced TPU
- 3D Air Mesh interior
- Metal Shank inserts for added support
- Cushion insole for extra comfort
- Soft Neoprene inner material
- Injection Molded Plastic Protective Plates
- Water-Resistant
- Synthetic Leather Heat Shield
- Accordion panels for extra flexibility
- Wide Toe Box
- Goodyear Stitched Sole
- Replaceable & Adjustable Buckles
- Snap-Lock adjustable closure system
- Affordable Price tag
What we Don’t?
- Not completely Waterproof
Final Words
Rider boots from O’Neal are a great choice to protect your feet without compromising your comfort. Their high-end features provide excellent protection and performance.
Well-balanced and reliable Goodyear stitched sole, the combination of Metal shank reinforcements with injection-molded plastic protective plates, microfiber body with TPU reinforcement, and other innovative features will surely protect your legs in case of an accident or crash.
They are extremely soft from inside but rigid from outside, comfortable enough to ride all day while still giving excellent protection.
O’Neal rider boots are perfect for motocross and adventure touring because of the high impact safety, quality material, and comfort they offer on and off the bike.

Ryan Thompson is a 35-year-old sport bike enthusiast known for his adventurous spirit. With years of weekend rides and exploring new roads, Ryan brings fresh insights and firsthand experience to ProtectiveGearz. His energetic approach and passion for the latest gear make him a trusted source for riders seeking up-to-date advice.